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Every swimmer should have the following equipment:
  1. Goggles
  2. Team Cap
  3. Team Suit
  4. Fins
  5. Snorkel (9 & older)


Every swimmer should have the following equipment:
  1. Goggles
  2. Team Cap
  3. Team Suit
  4. Fins
  5. Snorkel (9 & older)
  6. Hand Paddles
For information on how/where to purchase these required items, please see below:
Googles, Fins, Snorkel, & Hand Paddles
You can either purchase via
Note: gives us 8-10% back on what is purchased through our team store so check out our new team store here !
Buy all your gear from that link and support our team every time you shop!

Team Cap

Fill out this order form and turn into the swim box with payment.

Team Suit

Purchase your suit via our team store on



Stone Crabs Swim Team is a USA Swimming Program based in Orlando, FL.

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